Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fiji Fabulous Gathering

Hi Faye,

Thanks for the heads up and the information. Yes I imagine having to jaunt all over the south pacific and to the US to see the kids and relatives could be quite the cost. Guess living in the proverbial paradise has its warts, tough life and all. But, hey! Someone's got to do it! Guess you can "tough it out"! Struggle through it and all. Stiff upper lip you know! Chin up now, that's a good lass! No crying! LOL

Looks like you've been unanimously elected to help us with our future jaunts across the world as well. A poll of a few friends resulted in all agreeing that any trip of this magnitude needs professional attention. I heartily agree. So, you're it my dear! After all, why change horses in mid-stream? Talk to you soon!

Have a great day!!

D. Altman
Spring Creek, NV

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