Thank you very much for answering our mail. We are happy to use your service again and to refer our friends and family wishing to travel to USA. Hawaii has been an incredible experience and difficult to repeat for us who come from so far away! but who knows, it's free to dream, right?
We thank God for such a wonderful honeymoon, everything has gone well and the weather and health has accompanied us every day.
Thanks again for everything and we hope to use your services again.
R. Cazorla & J. Gómez
Barcelona, Spain
Aloha Lorena:
Muchas gracias por responder nuestro mail. Estaremos encantados de volver a utilizar sus servicios y de referenciarles para cualquiera de nuestros amigos y familia que deseen viajar a USA. Hawaii ha sido una experiencia increible y difícilmente repetible para nosotros que venimos de tan lejos! pero quién sabe, soñar es gratis, verdad?
Damos gracias a Dios por hablerla podido realizar en nuestra honeymoon, que todo haya salido bien y el tiempo y la salud nos haya acompañado cada día.
Nuevamente gracias por todo y esperamos volver a utilizar sus servicios.
R. Cazorla & J. Gómez
If you enjoy the comments about this Travel Advisor, and want more information about this resort/service or any other vacation planning, Call Lorena at 213-784-4094 or click here